A single daffodil makes a striking pose.
We work together to stay centered and focused.

Let Me Ask You

How well and honorably do you nourish your body?

How often do you give yourself time in nature or other beautiful environments that feed your spirit?

When was the last time you felt deeply connected to spirit – God, The Universe, The Divine, or whatever YOU call it?

As a woman, wife, coach, speaker, and spiritual leader, I know that the 3 keys to living your soul truth are – power up, play, and pray.

Beautiful pink bleeding heart flowers blossom in the spring.
Play means being active – and getting outdoors!

Client Package

Nourish your Body! Explore your World Outside! Find Rest and Connection for your Soul.

What I Include:

  • Nutritional Plan
  • Exploration Support
  • Centering Prayer Practice

Give me 90 days to awaken the wellness within you!

How Do You Know It’s Right For You?

Powering Up…

It’s all too easy to go through the motions of life without giving much thought to how you feed, fuel, nourish, and nurture your body. It’s time to change your habits from mindless to mindful.


Moving your body in joyful, pleasurable, playful ways reconnects you to your childlike wonder and emotional wellbeing.

…And Pray!

Cultivating a daily spiritual practice like prayer will allow you to ignite your light, unleash your roar, and soar!

Are You Ready? Let’s Do This Together Today!